Current IP address check:
Response : IP address (plain text)
IP Update request:
It's advisable to have Burina Systems Root CA SSL certificate installed and trusted.
Authorization : MD5 digest challenge/response
Request method : POST
1. hn (hostname) [mandatory, even when empty]
Possible values:
- hostname of 4th level without domain ( )
- empty or "-" for default host (
If there's no hn parameter in the POST request, the following error will be returned: ERROR: BAD REQUEST
2. ip (IP address) [optional parameter]
Possible values: IPv4 address
If the parameter doesn't exist in the POST request, DNS record update will be made with an IP address from which the request has arrived.
Update is performed on DNS A records, TTL is fixed to 60 seconds.
Possible responses:
There are 3 levels of response, defined by the first word:
1: SUCCESS: - Update successful
2: INFO: - Less important error, for example when trying to make an update with the same IP as last time.
3: ERROR: - An error that should probably be shown or mailed to the user, for instance on failed authorization, suspended account, etc...